Lufthansa launches “The World Says Yes to You” campaign for Pride Month

On the occasion of the present Pride Month and this summer’s upcoming Christopher Street Day parades, Lufthansa Airlines is launching a Pride marketing campaign entitled “The World Says Yes to You”. In doing so, Lufthansa is further positioning itself as a supportive company for the queer community and is again underlining its firm and unwavering commitment to openness, tolerance and diversity.

“Lufthansa brings guests of all nations and cultures together and welcomes everyone on board regardless of gender, age, ethnic origin, religion, nationality, sexual orientation or identity,” says Carsten Hoffmann, Head of Brand Experience at Lufthansa Airlines. “For queer people, however, traveling the world can often be associated with a feeling of discomfort: not everyone is welcomed everywhere with open arms. With our new Pride campaign, Lufthansa is celebrating people and places that embrace queer life. And, in doing so, we’re helping queer people discover such places and more, all around the world.”

To take one example, the campaign spotlights Konstantinos in Athens and his ‘Queer Archive’ where events, exhibitions and festivals are staged, and Nuala, who runs a surf school for queer people in Brazil. Brian, president of the Gay Rodeo Association in the USA, is a further featured individual.

Lufthansa’s #TheWorldSaysYestoYoucampaign will run in selected German daily newspapers, in special-interest magazines and on large digital posters, initially in Munich and later also in Cologne, Frankfurt, Berlin, Stuttgart and Hamburg. The campaign will also be conducted via numerous online and social media platforms. The floats on which the Lufthansa Group queer employee network participates in the Munich and Frankfurt Christopher Street Day parades will convey the Group’s ‘The World Says Yes to You’ message, too.

Lufthansa shows its strong support for diversity in many ways. Airbus A320 neo D-AINY has been flying daily throughout Europe with the ‘Lovehansa’ handle in rainbow colors since June 2022 as an ambassador for openness and commitment to people in their diversity. For the first time, Lufthansa Airlines is also one of the main sponsors of Frankfurt Christopher Street Day Parade this year.
