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Updated 19 January 2021


Travelers entering Germany from a region classified as a risk area by the Robert Koch Institute are required to provide evidence of a negative Covid-19 test upon entry into Germany. Children under 6 years of age are exempt from the obligation to test or provide proof.
As of 14 January 2021, risk areas have been divided into three risk levels for which different obligations apply:

  • Level 1 – Risk areas: The test obligation (antigen or PCR test) must be fulfilled within 48 hours after arrival
  • Level 2 – High-risk areas: The test obligation (antigen or PCR test) must be fulfilled within 48 hours before entry. In the absence of a negative test result, transport will be denied. People who are only in transit through the Federal Republic of Germany are exempt from the testing obligation
  • Level 3 – Risk areas with occurring virus mutations: The test obligation (antigen or PCR test) must be fulfilled within 48 hours before entry. This also applies to passengers who are only in transit through the Federal Republic of Germany. In the absence of a negative test result, transt will be denied

The current classification of all countries and regions is available on the website of the Robert Koch Institute


Effective 8 November, all passengers inbound to Germany are mandated register onto Passengers are to ensure they have a confirmation form of the registration, either saved or printed, at time of immigration.

If you are not able to complete the form online, please download the form and complete it before arrival in Germany.


Effective 8 November, The Federal German States have implemented a change in the quarantine procedures upon arrival in Germany:

  • A 10 day quarantine is mandatory for all passengers arriving, who stayed within the last 10 days in a high‑risk country. Visit the following link for an overview of the high risk countries.
  • The quarantine requirement can be shorted by doing a PCR test from the fifth day onwards. Once the test results are received and negative the quarantine is cancelled.
  • The rule to avoid a quarantine by presenting a negative PCR on arrival becomes obsolete with that date.
  • The test for return travellers from risk countries is currently free of charge.


Germany has a few travel exemptions in place of which one is

  • seafarers in transit to a ship’s port of departure or to an airport in order to return to a third country
  • the rest of the exemptions can be viewed here