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If you’re travelling to Germany from the UK or an EU/EEA country, you no longer need to demonstrate a valid reason to enter Germany. Standard German entry and immigration rules in place before the COVID-19 outbreak apply.

If you’re travelling to Germany from a country outside the UK or EU/EEA, you will also not need a valid reason for travel

However, if you’re travelling to Germany from an area designated as presenting an increased risk of infection, you will need to follow the rules on quarantine on arrival, as set out below. The UK is currently designated as an increased risk area.

Travel from increased risk areas

If, in the ten days before you travel to Germany, you have been in an area designated as presenting an increased risk of infection, you must register online in advance of travelling to Germany. This online registration process replaces the paper landing cards previously required for travellers from risk areas.

On arrival you must travel to your accommodation and quarantine there for ten days. After five days it is possible to secure release from quarantine with a negative test.


  • Exemptions: Specific nationalities  and seamen without COVID – 19 symptoms.
  • All ship’s crew changes are subject to approval by local immigration after case by case review.


  • Passengers are subject to COVID-19 PCR test